No soy escriver en castellano ma puedo darte un'informacion.
Por trabajar en australia es necessaria una visa especiale. Por tu situation, o un Working Holdiay Visa o un Student Visa. Visita el sito ufficial para todas las informaciones su las visas.
Entendes l'ingles?
Working Holiday Visa: various prerequisities such as age (under 30). Also many conditions may be attached. May come to Australia and work for a limited number of hours per week.
Student visa: must be enrolled at an approved and recognised institute before applying for such a visa. There are various types of student visas available, some will allow you to work whilst you are in Australia but others won't.
Bueno? Para buscar un trabajo es muy facil en Australia, porque tenemos mucho trabajo. Es muy facil trovar un trabajo en un ristorante o un cafe. Puedes buscar un trabajo en muchos sitos internet:,;;
Buena suerte and sorry about my pathetic level of spanish. I can speak a little because I copy what I hear people say but I never learnt it formally so I don;t know how to write. Soy muy boluda :(